To book YOUR family photo session, just contact me today!!
Everything! Photos are so precious to me. (I’ve always told Ryan that if our house ever burned down our photo albums are what we need to save!) I am so grateful for photos, I lost my mom when she was only 43, I was 21, so it’s been nearly 19 years since I’ve seen her, the pictures I have of her are treasures! And I wish I had more. Often when I take photos of my clients and do mom with each kid pics I’m so envious! I wish I had pics like that with my mom. Also, my own kids, holy cow they grow way too fast! It’s sad how fast they get big, I treasure my photos of their sweet little faces! I definitely want to be able to capture things that our minds would otherwise forget.
The interaction and relationships my older kids have with my littles, especially Watson. Of course as the baby he is absolutely adored, the connection my teenagers have with him is so sweet.