Our son Jonah is about to leave for his two year mission to Alpine Germany, and our oldest son and his wife will be deployed with the US Army to somewhere else in the world. I don’t know when our family will be altogether again and this photo represents the love and bond we share. I want to preserve this moment right now when we’re all together and frame it so that each day I will be able to gaze up at my family and remember all the wonderful times we’ve had together.
Photographing our family means preserving our heritage and creating a lifetime legacy. My husband is Native American and I come from European heritage so the picture of our family represents the diversity of our shared DNA and story. Each of my children has their own unique skin tone and features, making our photograph a symbol of what blending love can create!
I love that my children are coming into the world, finding their own paths, and are exploring their interests apart from the family. I’ve also discovered a new appreciation for my husband who has encouraged and supported us for nearly 28 years. Knowing we are securely anchored to the love and support we offer one another as members of our “family tribe,” we are able to live with more daring, wholeheartedness, and joy. Watching my kids grow up and “leave the nest” I’ve been inspired to pursue new dreams of my own. My family has been my greatest teacher!